Friday, June 22, 2012

Space Heating - A Comfortable Way to Stay Warm While Lowering Monthly Heating Bills

Several kinds of space heaters offer convenient ways to stay warm while lowering the monthly home-or-apartment monthly heating bills. However, one or two people might find it much easier to space heat their surroundings than what a larger group will find.

Space heaters available.

Because of the rising costs of heating fuel and energy, space heating has increased over the years. For example, the wood-burning fireplaces already existing in homes are being adapted to enclosed wood-or-gas-burning fireplace inserts or to gas-fired artificial logs. Homes not having fireplaces are adding free-standing wood-burning or other energy-supplied room heaters. Some of the space heaters available to the consumer are listed below.

1. Wood-burning stoves or fireplace inserts

2. Electric or gas fired artificial log stoves or inserts, often with added artificial ceramic coals

3. Infrared electric models of all kinds and sizes (e.g., circulating, quartz, reflective, floor model, tower, ceiling or wall mounted with digital remote)

4. Infrared electric models with the element-enhanced ceramic heat-transfer technology

5. Electric models utilizing infrared bulbs with metal heat-transfer technology

6. Infrared bulbs alone (like, in bathrooms)

7. Electric or warm-water-circulated baseboard types

8. Wall or floor inserted room furnaces; natural or propane gas

9. Older-style non-vented gas with fired-clay radiant heaters (These older non-vented models models might be illegal in certain regions.)

10. Free-standing kerosine or kerosine-with-wick models

11. Vented or non-vented natural or propane gas types with catalytic-burning technology

12. Portable fresh-air vented or non-vented propane-gas-tank models

13. Active or passive solar heaters directed to the desired rooms or locations

14. Heat pumps that can both heat or cool, like the ones found in many motels

Which one is best?

This answer depends on how much space heating is needed for how many people, and in how many spots. For example, one or two people living alone in a large or small dwelling can easily hole-up in one room having a bed, desk, radio, TV, computer, telephone, microwave, easy chair, and one small space heater during the cold months. Under these conditions, the home-furnace thermostat can be lower to 55-to-60-degrees Fahrenheit, which is fairly liveable for using the bathroom or kitchen for short periods of time. Also, the kitchen is warmed further by the heat from the refrigerator evaporator and cooking stove.

Moreover, if the one-room space heater is electric, it could add $10-30 to the monthly electric bills, depending on the intensity of the winter weather. However, under these same conditions and depending on the size of the house, a home-furnace setting of 72-degrees could easily add $50-150 to the monthly heating bills, even with some of heat registers closed. Thus, under these conditions, the one-room space heating provides a savings near 80%.

This principle can also be applied to the dwellings having more than two people living in them. That is, this larger number of inhabitants might need a larger room or more than one smaller room for everyone. They might also need several portable space heaters. However, the main idea of locating and living in relatively small spaces during the cold weather is the same, that is, by locating and living in spaces that can be efficiently and inexpensively heated.

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