Have you considered heating your home or cottage with a wood burning furnace? It is not a traditional method of heating a home but it can reduce your energy costs as opposed to heating with oil or gas. It is certainly a viable alternative in this day and age of high energy costs.
Using a wood burning furnace to heat your home allows you to use a renewable resource. It is also environmentally friendly to use these devices for heating.
When choosing a particular type of wood burning furnace, you have three different types from which to choose. You can find a stand-alone style along with a combination wood and electric furnace. Another style is the add-on type.
Another option for heating your home is the outdoor wood burning furnace. Most of the models available will heat an entire house along with heating the water as well. Not all the models are capable of doing this however. Determine what your needs are before making your purchase.
Once you have a wood burning furnace installed, you need to have a full winter's supply of firewood on hand. This can be costly if you plan to buy the wood. Other options include gathering your own wood. If you have a wood lot on your property, you can cut down any dead trees. If there was a storm during the summer that knocked down a tree, cut the wood up for your own use.
Scrap wood from lumberyards is also a good place to look for free wood. As you can see, you do not need to spend any money on wood if you are resourceful. Do not cut down any live trees, as this is not an environmentally friendly choice to make.
Any outlet that sells wood burning furnaces should be able to match you up with a unit that meets your needs. The unit you choose can add value to your home, so choose wisely.
Many heating and cooling supply stores will carry different models of the wood burning furnace. The big box do it yourself stores may also carry a supply. In addition, you can find many online stores that carry a large supply of these units.
Compare the prices of the units and compare the cost of installation before making your purchase. As you can see, there are a number of factors involved when it comes to finding the right wood burning furnace for your home or cottage.
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